The Legacy of PUYO
by Grobda
Apparantly according to a Japanese friend
I had 'puyo' means 'soft,squidgy' and that describes the pieces
in this much converted and sequelled puzzler. The cutie anime style
is the deceptive cover for a deep dark monster of a game; addictive,
competetive and potentially scarring.
First thoughts are 'is this tetris?...columns?'
yes it looks a bit derivative; the screen split in half with falling
blobs on either side. The familiar left/right/drop/rotate controls
will get you nicely drawn in. Either play against a friend or an
AI opponent (of the twisted/cute anime variety - my favorite was
a wee man with one giant foot that quivers spastically when you
beat him - yes a bit sick).
The AIM is to get 4 blobs of the same colour together(they
then disappear), the TRICK is to get 4 blobs, but ensure that when
they dissapear it results in another 4 blobs sticking as they fall
into the space left, resulting in another 4 blobs sticking as they
fall into the space left etc. etc. The more blob combos you get
the more blocks pile up ominously above the other players. When
your combo is finished, grey blobs drop into the players screen
- depending on your monstrosity of combo, this can range from a
paltry 1 or 2 upto an instant-kill screenfull.
Well enough description - its simple. IF you get
hooked be warned; for a while this was pretty much all me and a
few mates used to play on the snes, and it gets personal, until
gradually the puyo-reflex is burned into the brain until EVERYTHING
starts to look like soft,squidgy falling blobs.... then the dreams
begin, and constant subconscious combo arrangements fill your mind.
Formats encountered so far:
Puyo Pop - Neo Geo Pocket Colour
(linkable) - I havent finished this yet but my girlfriend has. I
maintain it was a fluke same as that second brazilian goal. Also
on Gameboy Advance (Soon)
Puyo Puyo, Puyo Puyo 2 - Arcade
Super Puyo Puyo - Snes