Welcome to Puzzlemups!,
A site I've always wanted to produce ever since I started Shmups!
* back in May 1997. Whereas Shmups! was focused on 2D shootemup games, Puzzlemups!
is all about the good old puzzle game, either of the single lonesome variety,
or the massively entertaining head to head breed. Equally accessible by
either sex, puzzle game remains the other (more publically presentable)
method of getting sweaty with your life partner.
Although the term puzzle games covers a large range of games, we're more concerned with the Arcade type puzzle game, where you could frantically fight against another player in a dingy badly-lit room full of bleeping and surreptitious farting. Nothing beats thrashing a total stranger with an assortment of brightly coloured blocks. If you want Microsoft card games and homebrew columns clones, you'd be better looking elsewhere. Since this site has just started, as all sites do, I'll will start with not very much. Contributions in the way of news and reviews and listings of puzzle games on arcades and consoles are very welcome. We'll also start right here with a review from Grobda of PUYO PUYO!! Cheers! * when I used to maintain Shmups!, it looked like this. Travel back in time.... PuZzleMuPs! |